Dog of the Day

April 15, 2009

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Fluffy, the Dog of the Day
Name: Fluffy
Age: Four years old
Gender: Female Breed: Yorkshire Terrier
Home: Mountain View, California, USA
   What makes Fluffy so special is she is always willing to learn new tricks, and stays very focused. She loves other dogs, whether big or small. She very affectionate with everyone especially small children, she really loves small children and always willing to play and always wants to kiss them.

    She does all kinds of tricks. If I say to her "who has allergies?" she will sneeze and wipe her eyes. When I say "Lets box," she sits on her butt and boxes with me. Also we do this thing where I say "do pork chop," and she will lay down on her stomach, head down to the floor and extend her back legs straight out. She knows when I tell her to get each individual toy out of her box, and she does all the easy tricks like roll over, dance, and smile. She has such a great personality, not the usual small dog stereotype like barking, nipping at other dogs etc., even though she only weighs twelve pounds.

    Her favorite game to play is to attack the big green spider! She has this huge green spider that has squeakers and it honks. She also likes to play "sniff out the treat" where I throw a treat way out in an open green grass field and she does not see where it lands, and she has to find it, which she always does!

Fluffy, the Dog of the Day

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