Dog of the Day

May 10, 2009

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Kesha, the Dog of the Day
Name: Kesha
Age: Two years old
Gender: Female Breed: American Eskimo
Home: Medina, Ohio, USA
   Kesha is a beautiful pure bred American Eskimo dog. Kesha is only two years old, she was born sometime in February and being so young she has been a very great and loving mother. She watches over her pups when the father comes around, and when our little pomeranian comes to peak in on her babies, she always makes sure he knows not to get to close. Kesha gave birth to eight puppies! Which is amazing from what the vet said. They thought she would only have at most two to four puppies since she was sooooo young. Kesha makes our family see the joy in life, by proving how well she can care for her puppies and how much wonder and excitement is in the world. They were just three days old in this picture.

    They are now four months old. They're absolutely adorable, Kesha is such a good mother, and a very special dog.

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