Dog of the Day

September 8, 2009

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Harley, the Dog of the Day
Name: Harley
Age: Two and a half years old
Gender: Male Breed: Catahoula Leopard Dog, Siberian Husky
Home: Tampa, Florida, USA
   I adopted Harley from the Catahoula Rescue a little over a year ago. When I got Harley, I was looking for a "protector" for myself and my Shitzu/Lhasa mix. Not sure what kind of deal I got with Harley, because although he may look intimidating to some, he is one of the friendliest dogs you'll ever meet - although I will say that he's very good at sticking up for his "big" sister. He's also very vocal. He doesn't bark so much as he sings, or warbles. It's the craziest, most unique sound I've ever heard come from a dog. And who needs kids when you've got a Harley? He frequently talks back to me, letting me know what he thinks about the rules of the house. (He's got the best "But Mo-o-om!!") I think he's also part ventriloquist because he can speak without moving his mouth.

    Harley is so incredibly smart it scares me! You can show him something twice and he picks it up. He only needs showing once if it involves food. He's known at the dog park for opening people's coolers - including zipped up soft-sided coolers - and sneaking ice cubes. I was a little hesitant at first to get a smart dog, but now I can't imagine life without one. He definitely keeps you on your toes and makes sure you don't forget about him! Harley's a handful but I love him to death. I'm sure I sound like a mush gushing over every little thing about him, but he's got so many quirks that I love about him, including the satellite dish ears! He's a complete goober and is always making me laugh - which is the only thing that keeps me from throttling him sometimes!

Harley, the Dog of the Day
Harley, the Dog of the Day

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