Dog of the Day

September 17, 2009

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Chewy, the Dog of the Day
Name: Chewy
Age: Three years old
Gender: Male Breed: Yorkshire Terrier
Home: Allen, Texas, USA
   This is Chewy. Although Chewy is officially my daughter's dog, since he lives at our house I think of him as just part of the family. I think he is adorable; I love his floppy ear and he usually has his tongue peeking out of his month just a bit. He is truly a lap dog, he loves to sit on my lap in the evenings and nap while I watch TV. He likes to be wherever I am. When in the backyard, he is always ready for a good game of catch or tug of war with a hole-e dog ball. He is fascinated with any bug that moves. Chewy can do a few dog tricks; sit, lay, shake, and sometimes roll over, but mostly he just likes to nap on my lap. Chewy gets along well with other dogs. His cousins Winston (Yorkshire Terrier) and Clementine (toy Schnauzer) come to visit and they all play well together.

    Chewy is learning how to share my lap since our family has expanded and includes our grandson, Oliver. When Oliver is visiting he gets my lap and Chewy has learned to lay next to my leg (or share the lap) in those cases. He is such a good dog and a joy to have around.

Chewy, the Dog of the Day

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