Dog of the Day

July 7, 2010

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LilGirl, the Dog of the Day
Name: LilGirl
Age: Two years old
Gender: Female Breed: Chihuahua, Rat Terrier
Home: Snow Camp, North Carolina, USA
   Hello, I would like to nominate my little dog. Her official name is Rosie but most of the time I call her LilGirl because she is so cute & small. She is two years old and four pounds of sweetness. I call her a chat because she came from a chihuahua mother and a rat terrier father.

    She is my third little housedog, following a mini dachshund and a rat terrier. LilGirl beats them all in licking everybody and being the friendliest most outgoing little dog I've ever had. She really does have a wonderful personality. She even likes going to the vet and visiting with the vet and techs. Her little tail beats out a tune as she wags constantly while the techs trim her toenails. At home when someone comes to the house she is all over them and wagging her tail.

    When my last dog died of heart problems, I said I was not going to get another dog, but I missed having a little dog so much that I got LilGirl as a puppy in September 2008. I looked at different breeds but when I held LilGirl she just melted my heart with her friendliness and sweet nature.

    LilGirl just adores her big sister Annie, a five-year-old Yellow Lab mix stray that adopted us in May 06. Annie has always patiently tolerated the attention of LilGirl; they are so cute together - big girl and little girl. LilGirl also has a big brother in the form of Luke a Persian Siamese cat, and sometimes they clash. On the other hand, sometimes they nap together on the couch but all in all the cat is the boss.

    LilGirl loves the outside and likes to investigate anything close to the ground as we go on two or three long walks each day with her on a leash. Twice a day we turn her loose and stay with her as she has fun stalking and then chasing squirrels and rabbits in the backyard. She loves to walk with us to the pond and bark as we feed the fish, mainly big carp. Basically she just loves to be with us, inside or outside. Her favorite toy is a stuffed bear that she will bring to us to throw and she'll bring it back. She has chewed off his ears but he is still stuffed and that's her favorite toy. One of her favorite treats is pieces of apple. I was eating one and she begged for a bite and I was really surprised to find out she likes apples. She also likes to lick the yogurt cup after we've eaten yogurt.

    She is really intelligent; she has trained us to do her bidding. Laugh Seriously, she does know several words and is smart. She also has a little sneakiness in her, as she waits until Luke cat has finished eating while sitting on a stool; his food bowl is in a chair to hopefully keep it away from her. She gets off the couch and slowly walks to the kitchen (thinking we won't notice) and hops on the stool to reach any leftover dry cat food in the chair. We have caught on and usually I get there before LilGirl and put any leftover cat food up even higher where she can't reach it. In ten years with my previous dog she never ever tried to get cat food, but this little dog caught on right away.

    She is really a lap dog or a shoulder dog. That's right; she loves to sit on top of someone's shoulder or lay in someone's lap. She is four pounds of love and sweetness. LilGirl is special to us because she brings joy and brightness into our lives.

LilGirl, the Dog of the Day
LilGirl, the Dog of the Day

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