Dog of the Day

August 18, 2011

Today's Dog
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Chica, the Dog of the Day
Name: Chica
Age: Six months old
Gender: Female Breed: Chihuahua
Home: Arizona, USA
   Hello, I'd like to introduce to you my dog Chica. Chica is a very unique chihuahua that only a few people can relate to. She is one of the only chihuahuas that do not, yap, bark or make a fuss. She's a great dog who follows me every where, no matter where I go. Chica was born in a litter from a selected breeder and was sold along with her sisters and only brother. Chica has that chihuahua attitude that she is the biggest dog around, she is the alpha dog, and she can catch any ball no matter how much bigger it is than her head. Sometimes these crazy antics get her in trouble, she has been attacked by a siberian husky when she was trying to greet him in the dog park. Lesson learned, but she's getting her confidence back and she's back to playing with other dogs. She is still a puppy, and still learning! She's a very good dog whom I'm lucky to have.

Chica, the Dog of the Day

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