Dog of the Day

June 4, 2011

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Joey, the Dog of the Day
Name: Joey
Age: Eleven years old
Gender: Male Breed: Australian Shepherd
Home: Sun Lakes, Arizona, USA
   I adopted Joey from the Tucson Humane Society in January, 2000 at the age of one. He is an Australian Shepherd. He is now approaching twelve years old and has been my loving, faithful companion - especially since my husband passed away in 2005. He understands (almost) everything I say, and wants only to be with me 100 percent of his life.

    His only bad habit is barking while in the car. Otherwise, he is a perfect dog for me, and he does love his car rides, and has his own area in the back set up just for him. Joey is never destructive or badly behaved inside the house. Some people think all full-grown shelter dogs come with issues, but not my Joey, he was already a year old, and was and is still a great dog. He does not scratch doors or screens, or jump on people, jump on furniture or sniff crotches. I am proud to have such a sweet and good dog.

    He used to have seizures, but a few years ago my Vet found a new medication and he has been okay ever since. He is the heart of my home, and I dread the day he will no longer be with me.

Joey, the Dog of the Day

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