Dog of the Day

June 14, 2011

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Nellie, the Dog of the Day
Name: Nellie
Age: Five years old
Gender: Female Breed: Greyhound
Home: Boise, Idaho, USA
   Nellie is our five-year-old Retired Racing Greyhound. She only raced a few times, according to her record, and did win one race (36mph average!) - but obviously not well enough to have her continue racing (thankfully!). We have had Nellie for just over two years, and we love watching her life unfold as she realizes that there is so much more to life than a kennel has to offer!

    We live in Boise, Idaho, where we do a lot of walking and going to one of Nellie's favorite dog parks, which is where the water photo was taken. She has had to learn from the other dogs some of the finer things in life, such as taking a soak in the cool water. At first she would just stand and watch the others, then she stepped in and stood in the way of the other dogs until she saw one of them lay down in the water. Now this is what she does every time we go! It is amazing to watch her try new things out, even after all of this time with her.

    Retired Racers are amazing friends to have, so mellow and happy to have a warm bed (or four... yes, she has four) to call their own! We love Nellie, Queen of Boise!

Nellie, the Dog of the Day
See more images of Nellie!
Nellie, the Dog of the Day
Nellie, the Dog of the Day
Nellie, the Dog of the Day
Nellie, the Dog of the Day

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