Dog of the Day

June 17, 2011

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Tucker, the Dog of the Day
Name: Tucker
Age: One and a half years old
Gender: Male Breed: Dog
Home: Newfield, New Jersey, USA
   My dog Tucker, also known as Tuckey, or Mr. T., came to me from my daughter who rescued him from the Harnett County animal shelter in North Carolina. When she got Tucker he was gravely ill with parvo. We didn't think he was going to make it, but he did! We are a family of serious dog lovers and everyone just loves him for his sweet and simple temperament. Of all of the dogs I have had over the years, I have never had a dog that loves toys like he does. He has his toys littered all over the house just like a child. He is so gentle with them and rarely tears them apart. I recently did a roundup and put them in the wash but had to leave one out to keep him company. His favorite is a blue sheep which makes a sound that doesn't sound like a sheep at all!

    I also have an Aussie who is pretty shy and Tucker and her have a great love affair going on. They play together and they lay next to each other on the floor and he makes her happy! My last dog, a mini doxie, likes to chime in from the sofa (usually from under a blanket or something), but rarely joins in the frivolities. Sometimes she gets a wild hair and does join in, and Tucker is very careful not to hurt her by accident due to her size.

    When I am at work, he will lay on my bed upstairs so we can have a bird's eye view of the street below to watch all of the passersby. I love my boy.

Tucker, the Dog of the Day

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