Dog of the Day

June 20, 2011

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Rusty, the Dog of the Day
Name: Rusty
Age: Ten years old
Gender: Male Breed: Beagle
Home: Downingtown, Pennsylvania, USA
   His name is Rusty. He is a purebred beagle, ten years of age (born May 30th, 2001), and he lives with my parents in Downingtown, Pennsylvania, USA. Rusty is the sweetest dog in the world. He doesn't have a mean-bone in his body. Although he howls suspiciously at every stranger, he's quick to let you into his heart after a quick scratch behind his ear. In his younger days, he loved running around furniture, chasing rabbits, and playing with his toys. Since then, Rusty has become a bit slower but all the wiser. He now enjoys long, pensive looks out windows, sitting shotgun during long car rides, and snuggling up to anybody who's willing. Although capable, he absolutely hates to swim; however, he has been known to enjoy a ride in a kayak every now and then.

    Rusty has an insatiable appetite. It especially shows when he's howling his head off around dinner time. Our family and friends joke around that if Rusty had unlimited access to food, he would eat himself to death. Despite his breed, age and his affinity for food, Rusty has maintained a relatively healthy physique. In August 2010, Rusty tore his ACL tendon in his left hind leg and accordingly, he needed some invasive surgery. Although he was incapacitated for much of the autumn while his leg was on the mend, as of December he was well on his way to making a full recovery--and just in time for his favorite season, winter. Rusty ended up hurting his other leg in the same manner shortly after surgery on his first leg. So he tore both his ACLs! No worries though, he has made a full recovery with his new legs of steel and can even go up and down stairs again.

    Rusty has been known to endure quite a lot of "teasing" from family members, particularly when he has recently awoken from a nap. He's too tired to care when he finds himself sitting upright on the couch, wearing sunglasses, and "reading" the New York Post. The attached photo depicts such an episode. He sat like that for more than ten minutes before trying to move! He is a very special dog.

Rusty, the Dog of the Day
See more images of Rusty!
Rusty, the Dog of the Day
Rusty, the Dog of the Day
Rusty, the Dog of the Day

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