Dog of the Day

June 25, 2011

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Babygirl, the Dog of the Day
Name: Babygirl
Age: Five year old
Gender: Female Breed: English Bulldog
Home: Ashford, Connecticut, USA
   I would like to introduce Babygirl, my Bulldog. She is so much fun and loves to play. She especially likes to play in her swimming pool or in the mud. She is a very well behaved girl and goes with me wherever I go. She loves to be outside chasing her ball or just enjoying the day. I just love her personality and she does try to act like a tough girl, but in reality she really is a big baby. There will never be a dog like her again! Her co-partner in crime is Tibs, a nine-year-old male cat that came to me as a stray and has not left, he loves to keep Babygirl on her toes!

    Babygirl is very affectionate and loves to give kisses. She absolutely adores children and going for rides in the truck. When she is riding with me in the truck, she sits in the center seat and puts her head on my lap. Her all-time favorite thing to do is to play in her swimming pool; she could stay in there for hours and whines when I make her get out. I take her swimming a lot during the summer time and it's so cute to see her in the water with her life jacket on. She also loves to play in the mud and likes to bark at it. We like to go walking together and sometimes she will let me play ball with her, most of the time she enjoys passing the ball to herself. Babygirl really enjoys life and she is always happy, she gets very excited when I come home from work and likes to jump on me. The one thing she does not like is thunderstorms, if they are severe she will hide in the shower or I have to sit with her until they have passed.

Babygirl, the Dog of the Day
See more images of Babygirl!
Babygirl, the Dog of the Day
Babygirl, the Dog of the Day
Babygirl, the Dog of the Day

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