Dog of the Day

June 26, 2011

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Tucker, the Dog of the Day
Name: Tucker
Age: Eleven years old
Gender: Male Breed: Yellow Labrador Retriever
Home: Colorado, USA
   This is Tucker. Just to set the record straight at the outset, he is the finest dog that has ever lived. Stories are told of a finer dog in France during the first World War, but they are only stories.

    Tucker's life is one of unstinting self-sacrifice and humble service to his family, and this is no idle boast. He is a fearless protector of the family when we go for walks. Whenever a skunk is within a hundred yards of us, Tucker bravely charges into the line of fire, taking the foul spray fully in his own face. This protective impulse is so strong that he will charge a skunk even when no one else in around. In the home, he is still more diligent. He works tirelessly to efface that annoying sheen on our hardwood floors, and then after the house is cleaned, he is sure to show us any spots we missed by marking them with a bit of vomit. His devotion to the family extends into the backyard as well, where he constantly maintains the lawn by eating his poop. Of course, he comes inside and gives us a big lick on the face to tell us when the unpleasant chore is done. I could go on and on.

    Sadly, he is growing old and arthritic, and when the time comes for him to pass from this world to the next, he will have lived as God designed him - loving unconditionally, playing hard, sleeping as only the innocent can, drinking his bowl dry, and then peeing all over the floor. I'm sure that when his days on earth are done, and he passes to his eternal reward, he will assume his rightful place as the finest dog in Heaven.

Tucker, the Dog of the Day

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