Dog of the Day

June 27, 2011

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Louie, the Dog of the Day
Name: Louie
Age: Four years old
Gender: Male Breed: Bichon, Poodle mix
Home: Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, USA
   I got Louie about four years ago when he was just eleven weeks old. His previous owner, who called him Rusty, became very ill and was unable to care for him. He came to me at the perfect time. My Bichon, Stoli, who was twelve, had some health problems and was almost blind. Even at his young age, Louie seemed to sense that he needed some help, so he would shove a toy in Stoli's face and sort of lead him around. Of course deep down I think he was tormenting poor Stoli. They would play tag in the house but unfortunately Stoli was usually it. We lost Stoli about a year later and Louie tried to make friends with my Poodle, Fendi. I really didn't think their friendship would ever develop because Fendi has always been the King of the house. At nine pounds, he has always put on a really good show of dominance, and now at seventeen and almost blind and pretty much toothless, he hasn't mellowed. He still chases neighbor's Doberman out of our yard. But even though Fendi growls, he and Louie cuddle up next to each other at night.

    Louie, my little angel, is the sweetest dog in the world, but he has a devilish side. He thinks that every time I open the door to the garage it is time for him to hop in the car and go for a ride. He caught on to me putting him back in the house and closing the door behind him, so now he has to be sure by hiding behind the car to make sure that if I go back into the house I am staying there. Besides chasing his tennis balls, he loves to steal socks and washcloths and if I try to take them from him, he plays keep away, however after a few minutes of me not chasing him he rolls over and gives them up. Or when I am cooking, he is always under foot hoping that I drop a piece of anything!!!

   I wouldn't trade him (or Fendi) for the world.

Louie, the Dog of the Day
Louie, the Dog of the Day

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