Dog of the Day

June 28, 2011

Today's Dog
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Billy, the Dog of the Day
Name: Billy
Age: Four years old
Gender: Male Breed: Shitzu, Poodle
Home: Danville, California, USA
   Hi, I'm Billy. I love to play with my stuffed animal bear (known as Baby) and my stuffed carrot (known as Carrot). I know one trick... Sit. And sometimes that is just a coincidence. I love to go to the backyard but pretend I don't know how to come back inside when my humans call my name. It is so funny because they open and shut the screen, over and, over thinking that will make me want to come inside. But I just wait until they give up and shake the treat bin instead! I'm so smart.

    My teenage humans have lots of friends that come over and they say my best quality is how much I love to cuddle. I like to be held like a baby and be rocked to sleep. I am very good at sleeping. All day. And night. Otherwise I am eating. My humans also love to take me to to the dog park. It's great because there are so many other humans there for me to play with! I don't really care for the other dogs... they are not good at carrying me like a baby. Even though I am a boy, my humans make me wear collars and leashes with cupcakes on them. Alright, it is cute. My favorite outfit is my Santa suit sweater that I wear during the holidays and sometimes when I just feel jolly. I don't really like the pumpkin hat for Halloween but I wear it to make everyone happy. My humans picked me from the breeder because there were about 30 puppies going crazy around them and I was being very cool just sleeping in the shade far away. Remember... I am best at sleeping. They saw me from afar and said "We want that calm puppy over there!" It's been a match made in heaven. We all love each other.

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