Dog of the Day

June 29, 2011

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Cassie, the Dog of the Day
Name: Cassie
Age: Four years old
Gender: Female Breed: Dog
Home: Belleview, Florida, USA
   As a puppy, Cassie was found abandoned at the estimated age of six weeks old, wandering the streets on a rainy night in October, 2006. Never claimed by anyone, she was rescued by the Humane Society and was taken care of by them until she was ready to go to a new home. They guessed she was born sometime in August.

    I guess it was fate, on that very day when she was declared ready to be waiting for a home, the minute I saw her she came home with us. We are unsure of her breed, as it is a mystery but I know she is something special to me. I still don't understand, after practically four years of being with her, why anybody would want to abandon her. Someone else's problem became my beautiful treasure. She is the sweetest, smartest and friendliest dog I know.

    Cassie learned quickly and knows a very impressive amount of tricks and commands. She is amazing with other dogs she meets, and is very friendly when meeting them. She has friends all around the neighborhood that she loves seeing on her walks. She plays fetch, loves playing with shoes, Kong toys, rope toys and many more things. Every night she curls up either in her bed in my room, at the foot of my bed or, her favorite spot - sprawled on my feet. She is my alarm clock in the morning and literally puts her paws on my face and quietly barks. She loves her occasional treats like small apple slices, small amounts of certain meat, some raw veggies, a little bit of yogurt and some berries. She's a great model for photos as she dresses up in anything with no problem, and doesn't mind at all! She and our cat are like best friends, though Cassie likes Milly more than Milly likes Cassie. Cassie is a great canine fur-angel in my life, and I am so lucky to have her!

Cassie, the Dog of the Day See more images of Cassie!
Cassie, the Dog of the Day
Cassie, the Dog of the Day
Cassie, the Dog of the Day
Cassie, the Dog of the Day

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