Dog of the Day

May 12, 2011

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Kiva, the Dog of the Day
Name: Kiva
Age: Thirteen years old
Gender: Female Breed: Dalmatian
Home: Martinsville, Virginia, USA
   My little girl Kiva is a deaf Dalmatian that adopted me thirteen years ago. When I first looked into her crystal blue eyes, she had me. She is the smartest dog I have ever had and I have had dogs all my life. She knows a doggie sign language that I taught her and she observes everything including people's facial expressions which she tries to mimic. Sometimes she is too smart and quickly learns by watching how to open doors, refrigerators, cabinets, camper doors, fence gates, and more. So I have to really think outside the box when it comes to keeping her contained. She smiles from ear to ear when you greet her with a thumbs-up (good girl) and no one is a stranger. She is hardly ever more than ten feet away from my side and travels with me every "Big Green Van". She especially loves to go camping.

    When I became a full time singer/songwriter I couldn't think of any better name to call my Indie Record Label but Spotted Kiva Productions after my little spotted girl, Kiva. She has toured with me from coast to coast and everyone in the Indie music scene knows Kiva as much as me. She has even sat with me on stage while I performed and is always loved by the audience and the people we meet in our travels. She quietly hangs out in the recording studio when I record music projects. Producer Paul Opalach said, "Kiva is better behaved than most humans I have in my studio." She is usually the featured star on my CD covers. I went through a tough battle with cancer and it was Kiva's smiling face and true devotion to me that kept me fighting the battle to stay by her side. So it is easy to see why she is the love of my life and is also so well loved by everyone that meets her.

Kiva, the Dog of the Day
See more images of Kiva!
Kiva, the Dog of the Day
Kiva, the Dog of the Day
Kiva, the Dog of the Day

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