Dog of the Day

May 31, 2011

Today's Dog
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Nicki, the Dog of the Day
Name: Nicki
Age: Six years old
Gender: Female Breed: Chocolate Labrador Retriever
Home: Iowa City, Iowa, USA
   This is Nicki, my Labrador Retriever. Nicki is six years old, but sometimes still acts like a puppy. She is very fast and the best hunting dog ever. Her favorite toy is her stuffed fox, Foxie, and will play tug-of-war with it with Dad for hours. Sometimes, she will just give up and go to the door where the treats are and beg until we get her one. At night, when she goes to bed, she circles around her bed about ten times before lying down.

    When we go on vacation, we leave her with our aunt and uncle, who also have dog named Jake to keep her company. Nicki will never bite anyone, but when someone pulls into the driveway, she goes crazy. She will jump onto the low kitchen window sill will her hair rising along her neck, barking like crazy. Sometimes, we will call her funny names, like: Shnacker-pup, Nick-Knacker, Knacker-puppy, etcetera. She is really adorable and I don't know anyone who doesn't like her, because she is so loveable.

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