Dog of the Day

November 21, 2011

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Puggles, the Dog of the Day
Name: Puggles
Age: Eight months old
Gender: Female Breed: Thai Pug
Home: Cochin, India
   Puggles is the cutest, more adorable puppy ever. She's been a joy to have at home. Puggles loves her dad n mom very much, she shows affection by kissing us in the morning, cuddling, playing with her favorite toys. She's made our lives richer and happier since she's come home. Puggles has a sweet tooth and loves anything sweet, also loves meat, nuts and fruits - she likes apples and bananas especially. She is a fast learner and mastered her tricks in a week when she was a baby. She's a joker and the apple of our eye.

    Coming home knowing Puggles is waiting to see me is the warmest feeling. I'm more patient thanks to her, and do take time out to enjoy the little things in life. She's my crazy, naughty, adorable, cute, loving baby.

Puggles, the Dog of the Day
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Puggles, the Dog of the Day
Puggles, the Dog of the Day

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