Dog of the Day

April 3, 2012

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Ping, the Dog of the Day
Name: Ping
Age: Fourteen months old
Gender: Male Breed: Sharpei mix
Home: West Palm Beach, Florida, USA
   Ping, a.k.a. Pingle Pie or The Pie, is my pride and joy since finding him on the mean streets of my neighborhood about 8 months ago. His face is so unbelievably fabulous that he makes me smile all the time, even when he's bad. Everyone who sees him says he must be a Sharpei mix, so I named him Ping to bring him closer to his Chinese heritage. His tall, long, thin body, however, is anyone's guess as to what he's mixed with. When I found him scrounging with a a small group of dogs on the street where I feed feral cats, he was obviously still a puppy, so I picked him up and plopped him in my car. The area is known for strays. The vet estimated him at about seven months when found. I had him neutered immediately and knew I'd keep him. The children's book "Ping the Duck" was one of my all-time favorite childhood books and had everything to do with my naming him ... although I don't spank him!

    Ping has a personality to match his wonderful face, fortunately. He's full of joi de vivre ... wakes up wagging his tail full speed and wiggles his hips all over the place when happy. He has these long, long legs that make him clumsy and he falls or wipes out quite a bit. A couple of people, including kids at the dog park, said he looks like Scooby Doo. He makes a lot of people smile with his silly face and sillier antics. I have another street find, Luella, and they get along great except for the occasional brother/sister fight over toys. Ping learned to swim two weeks ago and now loves it.

    I have had many, many dogs, and I still have many beloved rescued cats, but I can say I am obsessed with my latest find, Ping. He is the cutest thing on four legs for sure. And to all those people who spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars on a dog, I say the street or the shelter is best. I wouldn't trade him for millions of dollars!

Ping, the Dog of the Day
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Ping, the Dog of the Day
Ping, the Dog of the Day
Ping, the Dog of the Day

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