Dog of the Day

July 22, 2012

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Mou-Mou, the Dog of the Day
Name: Mou-Mou
Age: Deceased, Eight years old
Gender: Female Breed: Greyhound
Home: France
   Hi I'd like to nominate our greyhound Mou-Mou for dog of the day. Sadly we lost her to bone cancer at the beginning of February this year after a five month battle with the disease. We adopted her in 2007 from a charity in the UK and brought her to France to become a much loved part of our family. Mou was our all or nothing girl, there were never any half measures and she lived life to the full even after amputation when she still ran about as fast as ever on three legs! She was very intelligent and loved to watched tv, especially any animal programmes. In fact my husband and I frequently spent more time watching Mou watching the tv than we did ourselves! It was so cute to see her head on one side following everything that was happening on screen. She was also a great thief and loved stealing apples from the orchard, bringing them indoors to hide under her duvet so we wouldn't find out until later! Our house has felt so empty since we lost our special girl and I'm sure there'll never be another like her. Mou-Mou really was one in a million and we were very lucky that she chose us to be her new family.

Mou-Mou, the Dog of the Day
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Mou-Mou, the Dog of the Day
Mou-Mou, the Dog of the Day

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