was given to us last fall by some friends who moved and could no longer
keep her. She is ten years old, but you would never guess it by watching her!
Her two favorite activities are fetch and frisbee. She fetches everything ...
as long as it can at least partially fit in her mouth. A few of the silliest
things she has fetched for me are a small trash can, a small cat scratch
post, leaves and swim towels. Sometimes when I'm outside just walking around
with her, she will pick something up like a twig or a leaf, drop it at my
feet and look at me as if to say, "Could you throw it please?"
Java enjoys swimming in our pool. I like to throw a toy for her to fetch in
the pool. She also loves taking a little dip in our small irrigation canal to
cool off after playing ball.
Java is special for a few reasons. She is very affectionate, smart and
focused. She is very obedient and happy to please. When she greets people,
she sits calmly and leans against their legs, waiting to be pet. She loves
being with people and snuggling.
Java is learning tricks with Clicker Training. In the eight months that we've had
her, she has learned 20+ tricks. She performed her tricks at a fundraiser our
homeschool group a few months ago. Here is a link to one of her YouTube
videos: Java's Tricks and Agility

See more images of Java!
