Dog of the Day

September 3, 2012

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Ivy Lou, the Dog of the Day
Name: Ivy Lou
Age: Eight years old
Gender: Female Breed: Beagle
Home: Richmond, Virginia, USA
   Miss Ivy Lou Toodles is a bench-legged beagle that we adopted from a hound rescue over a year ago. They picked her up from the side of the highway in the country, but you would never know that she once lived outside, because now she sleeps in a bed, eats like a queen and gets her belly rubbed non-stop! When we met her for the first time at the Petsmart adoption show, it was love at first sight. She even tried to follow us out the door, even though it wasn't time to take her home yet.

    We don't know much about her past, except that she's had lots and lots of puppies (probably a breeding dog for hunters, poor thing). When we first brought her home, she was very scared and wouldn't howl or bark or even whimper. In fact, she was so silent that we thought she might have been mute! However, one day when we came home, we heard her joyously howl throughout the hall and we were so happy to know she had full vocal capacity. Ever since then, home-comings are always greeted with happy whining and barking (just like a beagle should!).

    Her favorite things to do are: snuggling, sniffing, and eating. She loves people, and whenever we go on a walk, she can't resist greeting every person we pass with a wagging tail and a big kiss (they find it hard to resist her too!). Ivy loves to snuggle up on your lap; if she doesn't have her head on someone's lap, she isn't happy. If you're lying down, she will rest her head on your chest and fall asleep.

    Ivy Lou has been battling some tough medical problems, including cancer. She is such a brave girl though - even surgery didn't dampen her spirits. We would do anything to keep her happy, healthy, and comfortable because she has brought so much joy and love into our lives. Miss Ivy Lou Toodles has had some hard times in her life, but she is just as loving and sweet as can be! Our life wouldn't be the same without her - I only hope we can return the favor to her.

Ivy Lou, the Dog of the Day
Ivy Lou, the Dog of the Day

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