Dog of the Day
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Dog of the Day
Today's Dog of the Day
Taffy, the Dog of the Day
Name: Taffy
Age: Two years old
Gender: Female Breed: German Shepherd
Home: El Paso, Texas, USA
   This is Taffy, a beautiful German Shepherd. Our family got Taffy two years ago so our other German Shepherd dog Hunter could have a playmate. Ever since we got her, she has brought countless memories that our family will never forget. Taffy is in many ways so much like a human. Just by the way she smiles you can tell that she is no ordinary dog! Taffy has brought so much joy to our hearts and her presence makes our family complete!

    Taffy loves to play fetch, cuddle with our family, play with Hunter, swim in our pool, go on walks, learn new tricks, and especially getting to eat bones!

    Taffy truly has a personality of a human. Taffy is a calm dog, that is very intelligent, discreet, charming, obedient, and curious. She is so special because when you look at her you know she is more than a "dumb animal." It's very hard to explain, but anybody that sees her knows that she is no average dog. So far Taffy has learned eight tricks: how to sit, lie down, stay, come, act dead, roll over, give a handshake and a high five. She is very affectionate around strangers and licks them like crazy. The best thing about Taffy is when all of our family is in bed, she always howls every night! It is really the cutest thing!! Some people don't like hearing howling dogs, but every night it lights up our faces to hear her howl!

    Taffy, our German Shepherd, is no ordinary dog, she is an extraordinary dog.

Taffy, the Dog of the Day
See more images of Taffy!
Taffy, the Dog of the Day
Taffy, the Dog of the Day

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