Dog of the Day
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Dog of the Day
Today's Dog of the Day
Titus, the Dog of the Day
Name: Titus
Age: One year, three months old
Gender: Male Breed: German Shepherd
Home: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
   My German Shepherd's name is Titus, he is one year and three months old, though he still acts like the little puppy he once was. He is such a sweet dog, playful, crazy, and funny. He has so many little things about him that makes him special, like howling when we blow a whistle or barking when a dog on the TV barks.

    Titus is a very affectionate dog and doesn't like to be without his "pack. He's a very obedient dog and knows: Sit, Stay, Come, Lie down, Shake, Speak, Up (jump), and he is learning to tidy his toys. He loves to play rough with dogs his size but is good at going easy on the smaller ones. We live on a farm with 150 acres so he always gets to run a lot which he can't get enough of. We also have a small creek that he loves to play in and get muddy and wet in doing so! He sometimes get mischievous and rips a garbage bag open or something but it's easy to tell that he did it because he doesn't have a good poker face. He is big but likes to think he is a little puppy like he once was. His favorite toy is a tennis ball catapult that we got at Bass Pro Shop and he jumps around and howls when we get it out for him. When someone comes down the drive way he pulls out his big German Shepherd bark, but he is really a sweetheart. He has a lot of energy but knows when to calm things down. I hope you guys like his looks as much as I do!

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Betty the Beagle Lilli the Jack Russell Terrier Jack the Australian Shepherd mix Dani the Rottweiler Becca Grace the Labrador Retriever, Coonhound Roxy the King Charles Cavalier Spaniel Cocoa the American Eskimo Lady the Australian Shepherd
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