Dog of the Day
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Dog of the Day
Today's Dog of the Day
Solo, the Dog of the Day
Name: Solo
Age: Nine years old
Gender: Female Breed: Border Collie
Home: Norway
   This is my dog Solo. She has short fur, unlike some border collies you see in movies, but is one anyway! What makes my Solo special is that she has a pretty amusing way of behavior. She is definitely not a push-over, can be a bit grumpy, but she will always come up to me with a big smile or an inquisitive look. I would not switch her out for any other dog.

    Solo's personality differs quite a lot. She can be angelic and kind or grumpy and amusingly huffy. While she has no games that she likes, she absolutely loves shepherding! So much that she does not always want to listen to her human shepherd... Aside from that, she knows no tricks. Though affectionate at times, Solo is mostly a very independent dog who prefers to do things the way she likes them. Even if that way does not agree with everyone else.

    She is also very dominant, which can be a small problem when she meets other dominant dogs. Our other dog is not though, and he simply rolls with it with endless patience. It seems that Solo finds that amusing.

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