is my Service Dog. Anya has been specially trained to assist me in my
daily activities. I obtained Anya from a breeder. Anya has such a sweet
temperment, everyone she meets, she loves!
Anya assists me due to complications I have with Diabetes (Type1). I was
diagnosed in 1977 and the complications have started to take effect! Anya
assists be with balance and mobility. Anya is extremely "furiendly!" We went
to a new endocrinologist yesterday and everyone in the physician's office and
the lab, loved Anya. I have had five Doberman Pinschers and my last two have
been the friendliest. I am not sure about my last Dobe, really, she was
stolen before she turned two, and Anya has never needed to defend me. With
Anya's size, I feel people go the other way due to her size.
So, the Red Dog does know "sit" and "down" and "wait" but doesn't do any
tricks, she does not need to. And she is so good, I put her leash around the
back of my neck, this is how nicely she walks. I can't say enough about how
wonderful and such a help Anya is for me.

See more images of Anya!
