Dog of the Day
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Dog of the Day
Today's Dog of the Day
Duke, the Dog of the Day
Name: Duke
Age: Six years old
Gender: Male Breed: Boston Terrier
Home: Bloomington, Indiana, USA
   My husband of forty years and I had never had a dog. My adult son got a Boston Terrier puppy named Max and it was love at first sight! He moved across the country and took Max with him. We pined for that "our little Maxi" and finally knew we had to have a dog. We found Duke at at rescue organization. He was fifteen months old and had been abused. We took him in and through a lot of training and love, he is a wonderful part of the family. He is spoiled rotten because we are both retired. So Duke gets at least three walks a day, usually a car ride with a trip to Starbucks to get a puppy latte, and never left alone for more than three hours. We will care for him until his dying breath and will be lost without him.

    The first item you must know about Duke is that he is a rescue dog. It doesn't define who he is but it is impossible to understand and know Duke without that background. He was terribly mistreated as a puppy for about a year. Finally given up to a woman in Kentucky who rescued dogs, he stayed in a kennel for three months or so. We were looking for a Boston terrier since our son and his Boston had moved away and we missed both terribly. We spotted Duke on a listing at the Kentucky woman's web site and drove the four hours to meet him and bring him home.

    Duke was high strung and full of energy, confused and seemingly unable to find calm. We did the research, spoke to Boston rescue people by phone and even contemplated giving Duke to a relative of a friend. But knew we were the best people to help and love him. We wanted peace for Duke.

    Duke has been to dog trainers and been trained at home. He is walked four to five times per day, all the while training to not be aggressive with people, other dogs and cars. There have been successes and some failures but we all keep trying and will love and care for him all his life. We are both retired educators so Duke spends little time without one of us home.

    What has Duke become? He is a happy dog, lots of energy, has his favorite toys and likes to be with his people. Duke will lay by your side, sleep on your lap, or at the least, just touch your foot as he lays on the floor. He loves the sun rays either through the windows in the winter or on the deck in warmer months. He has a large fenced backyard that is his domain, squirrels not allowed! He does tricks, sit, paw, roll over, and loves to chase a ball. He is a very structured dog, knows when it is time to eat or go for a walk. If we are in another room, he will get a chewy and sit down between us, determined to be a part of the conversation!

    No family decision is ever made without considering the effect on Duke. He is a very important and loved member of our family.

Duke, the Dog of the Day
Duke, the Dog of the Day

Talk about today's dog in Pet Talk!

Cora the Sheepdog mix Alfie the Border Collie Major the Labrador Retriever Kirk the Australian Shepherd Gromit the Bichon Frise Max the Beagle Joey the Dachshund, Spaniel mix Eddy the Cairn Terrier
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