is three-year-old Keeshond. She came to us from the breeder at the age of seven
weeks and already then she was a real sweetheart. Typical for Keeshond, she
greets our guests with the famous toothy grin and a waggy tail. Hilla is very
affectinate in nature and she follows me around in the house. I can't go to
toilet without her waiting outside the door. And she can be also very
demanding as she comes to lay on top of me wanting attension and scratching
while I lay on the couch and try to watch TV.
Hilla also is bossy toward our older dog, Aslak. She pulls his tail when they
go run free and tries to get on top of him when they play. Good thing they
are only year apart in age so Aslak doesn't mind ...
Hilla also had seven puppies who are having their 1st birthday this June. She had
three beautiful girls and four handsome boys. We have few of them with us, and the
rest we have photos from, and I have to say they got good genes from their mother!
Right now we are waiting for summer and outdoor dog shows, as Hilla shows
herself best at outside fields. Also she has been growing her new coat after
having puppies so that's been holding us back from entering the shows.
Hilla is my first Keeshond bus certainly not the last. She is adorable and
smiling all the time. She comes and comforts me when I'm sad and feeling
down. Even though she is mischievous, arrogant little runt at times, not
obeying my orders, she still is my spoiled baby that I love so much.

See more images of Hilla!
