Name: |
Age: |
Deceased, Six years old
Gender: |
Male |
Breed: |
Irish Wolfhound
Home: |
Luseland, Saskatchewan, Canada |
was a special dog, not just to me, but to my entire family. He came
to us from Poland, and ever since that first night, I knew he and I were
going to be inseparable.
He always cheered me up when I was feeling down or sick, and I did the same
for him. He had a very weak immune system so he got sick more often then a
dog should. When he was five, he got pneumonia. We caught it in time and had him
treated, and because he had that, his immune system got even lower and he was
going to end up getting it again, but this time much easier.
He turned six in September of 2014, and that November, he got pneumonia again,
this time worse and harsher then the time before. We knew he wasn't going to
make it, so we made his last days the best he could have. I went out to visit
him every single day, I spent that weekend with him.
That Monday, my parents asked if I could take him to the vet to see if they
could do anything for him, and if not, we would put him to sleep, as we
couldn't see him suffer like this anymore. I had a van that he could easily
get in and out of. He got in with a bit of trouble because he was so weak.
The vet was 45 minutes away. We left, and he was very excited to be going for
a ride with me in his favorite vehicle. When we were three minutes down the
road, I realized he was lying strangely in the back. My brother then told me
that he was breathing weird. more than he should be. I pulled over on the
dirt road, and got out to check on him. When I opened that back hatch, I
realized this was the very last time I was going to see him alive. I was with
him in his time of need. He passed away in my arms, and after I said my
goodbyes we continued on to the vet to could get him cremated. I met my mom
and sister there, and we unloaded him. The one vet who was off that day even
traveled to work just to be with us and say goodbye as well, which was very nice.
Now, I have had over 30 different dogs in my life, and I am only 20. I have
had my favorites, but Gintaro was my heart hound, I will never forget him. He
was truly amazing, he represented his breed well. He was great to handle in
the show ring, he and I always got awesome placements in junior handling. We
even got a best overall award and made it to Regionals!
Even though he had a short life, I am very glad I got to spend it with him,
and I am very glad that his last moments were spent with me. If that isn't
special, then I don't know what is.
