is Bonk, our Bordeaux Dog with 1/4 American Bulldog. He's so sweet, calm
and relaxed when inside, and goes completely nuts when outside, especially on
the beach. The Bordeaux Dog is also called the Dogue de Bordeaux or the French Mastiuff.
He is not our first dog. We had many shepherds before, but they never stayed
long because my mom wasn't consistent enough. But she read up on Bordeaux
dogs and thought it was the perfect dog for her! Bonk is stubborn, but so
sweet and he learns so quickly. Only inside though, he's quite nervous
outside. But even now - he's four years old - I can still r=teach him stuff.
Last year I taught him to open doors by pulling a string! He can high five
with both sides, he can fist(nose)bump, he can say hurray, and he can bow,
twist and bark. When you ask him where Zoya (my grandma's shepherd) or Misty
(the neighbours American Bull) is, he'll look out the window for them or 'call' them.
Bonk can drool a lot when there's treats involved, though he can be quite
active at times, wich is more his Bully side I think. My mom came up with his
name, because, as she said 'If you don't open the door for him, he'll go
through anyway!' He's Dutch, and he 'Bonks' into stuff so much! We love him!

See more images of Bonk!
