Name: |
Age: |
One and a half years old
Gender: |
Female |
Breed: |
Golden Retriever
Home: |
California, USA |
Dixie is my second Golden Retriever. We loved our first one so much that when she passed away we had to get another. They are very affectionate and great family dogs.
I got Dixie when she was about 10 weeks old. She was much more white at the time and she had a lot of spunk to her.
They said she was stubborn and very playful, and they were right. When we got her at 10 weeks, she had this little blanket at the kennel. It was "The Grinch that Stole Christmas" and it is "her" blanket ... She still sleeps with it to this day... yes, Dixie has woobie.
She's very smart however and with limited training is very obodient. She loves to play fetch and especially loves to play frisbee.
Every time we return home Dixie greets us with her toy skunk in her mouth (sorry, no photo of that) as a gift to us. She's very passive and loving. She has a dog bed in our bedroom but she prefers to sleep outside the girls' bedrooms. She thinks she's a guard dog. She is very protective over the girls.
Dixie is funny - she burps incredibly loud and often. She loves long walks on the beach, nestling on your lap like a puppy, playing with other dogs and barking at the mailman.
She doesn't really chew up things around the house, but if she's not getting enough attention, she'll frequently sneak into one of the kid's rooms and grab a sock out of the hamper and then slowly stroll past us. She wants us to notice her and begin 'the chase!' She won't chew it up, but she knows she's not supposed to have it, so it always gets her the attention she's after... we fall for it every time.
Her other "special trick" is going limp like a child does when throwing a tantrum. If she doesn't want to come inside or do something, when I say, "Dixie come!" she'll roll over on her back and go completely limp. If I try and move her she just lays there and plays dead and won't move ... she's so stubborn!
She is like a big baby to us, because she's very affectionate and loves to cuddle. She thinks she's a 15-pound lap dog, because she'll jump on your lap and curl up as if it's no big deal. She nestles her nose under your arm and she's good to go. We love her!
