Name: |
Age: |
Two years old
Gender: |
Female |
Breed: |
Welsh Terrier
Home: |
Illinois, USA |
Hi, hi, hi! I am Sadie, the happy Welsh Terrier! I'm known to be energetic and spunky, just as I please. I love to play ball, catch, run, and I'm very playful. I'm good friends with Max the wise Golden Retriever, who visits weeks. We're the best of canine companions, and my days wouldn't be the same without calm, kind Max. I love watching T.V. and playing outside. I can do many tricks such as sit, bark, and catch two tennis balls in my mouth at a time! I can be a bit spunky and crazy when meeting new people, but please, give me some time to settle down, and I'll be the perfect companion. Although, I can be very independent at times, if I do bark so myself.
I have the best dog beds a dog could ever ask for, I have two soft sleepers! One very comfortable Eddie Bauer bed, that I can spread out and relax into after a very exciting, jumpy day, and then on top of that, a supporting pillow. But I do prefer sitting on the comfortable couches in my room, like a civilized human. I do enjoy my cage as well, since it doesn't bother me at night as it would to most dogs; and I'm known for being the best at getting my energy out. I could probably run faster than a race car.
I'm very smart; I can reply to basic commands or phrases such as "ball," "fetch/catch," "sit," "stay," "go see Max," and many other short phrases I've mastered. I'm excellent at playing catch, and nearly catch every single tennis ball thrown to me out back, way to have fun! Boy, I'll be out with my tennis balls for hours. "She never stops", is what my owner says. I'll fall asleep in my owner's lap after a busy, fun day. At night I'll curl up in front of the T.V. and fireplace in my room in my bed, and stay there until I fall asleep. My curly fur and I now don't prefer to be brushed, I like my fur to be plucked dainty and short, to get the best out of my running. I'm the perfect lap dog, and the more affection you give to me, the more you'll get in return. I get along with any dog I meet, maybe sometimes even too well, but I'm all about making the perfect friends.
I love going to the groomer, having nice warm baths, and being the perfect, energetic terrier. I'm so happy to be on Dog Of The Day!
Tails Wagging~ Sadie
