Name: |
Age: |
Eight-Nine years old
Gender: |
Male |
Breed: |
German Shepherd
Home: |
Most, The Czech Republic |
Meet German Shepherd male Ben. He is about eight- nine-years old guy and he's the newest member of our pack. How did that happen?
Poor Ben was a guardian dog at a local car park since he was a small puppy. He never went out of the area and lived only on asphalt (for example, ha didn't know what stairs are, or grass). He didn't have only one master, they were changing time to time as men as guards were hired and dismissed. He was always sharp, watchful and was a good dog. My boyfriend Erlist and I liked to go around the car park to watch him, as he's very handsome.
Recently one of our friends, Mazlík (former soccer masseur, bold, huge, with massive beard, but with a golden heart), started working there. About a month ago he came to my Erlist and he was very desperate. As an animal lover, he loved Ben immediately and enjoyed doing his job with the dog. But ...
One night there was a cat in the car park which ran under the car. And Ben went crazy. He tried to get to the cat so much, that he destroyed the car. The insurance company calculated the damage costs as 118,000 CZK (ca. $4,500 USD), and said that if the dog was still in the area, they would cancel the insurance. The boss of the car park didn't want to cancel it, so he said that Ben must go away. And by "must go away" he meant, that Ben had to be put down.
Mazlík didn't want to do so. He went to Erlist (who is boss of the soccer stadium) immediately and asked him if he could keep Ben at the soccer stadium. And because he loves animals too, of course he said yes without any hesistation. He just called me and said "We will have another dog to care about," and I must say it made me very happy! Mazlík ran to get Ben and tried to take him to the stadium (distance about half a kilometer). Poor Ben was so stressed about what he did. He started to cry when Mazlík put a collar and a leash on him (we think he was beaten before and thought we were gonna kill him) and when they were crossing the gate at stadium, his legs stopped working and he fell down on the ground and Mazlík had to take him into his arms and carry him the rest of the road into his new home.
But now Ben is fine. After few days he got used to his new home, where there is is grass and everyone feeds him and pets him. He's very friendly and gentle dog, and I must say he stole my heart! Even his arthritis is getting slightly better: at first he cried often as his joints hurt him, but medication from vet and soft ground helps him a lot.
In honoring Ben, I'm also thanking to Mazlík for being such a nice person and for saving Ben and bringing him to us! <3