Name: |
Age: |
Two and a half years old
Gender: |
Female |
Breed: |
Terrier mix
Home: |
Lexington, Kentucky, USA |
This is Chloe.
I'm guessing Chloe is about two and a half years old. Janie brought her home from the local Humane Society in May, 2015. Chloe had been adopted once and returned. Her original adopters had chickens and I gather that Chloe found that "making the feathers fly" was a real good time. The chickens and their owners disagreed. That was our good luck.
She lives with Janie and me in Lexington, Kentucky. As to the question of breed ... Well, here again we'd be guessing. My best guess is that Chloe is one half Wheaton Terrier, one quarter terrorist (pick whatever ethnicity you're partial to), and one quarter Polar Wookie. I see a distinct, if pale, resemblance to Chewbacca.
She's a brilliant and eager conversationalist. She's willing to listen to anyone talk about anything as long as every sentence ends with "are you my girl?"
We walk ... a lot.
We ramble all over our neighborhood and in our meanderings we have now met and visited about a dozen canine and human neighbors. Chloe is a social addict. She loves to visit her acquaintances. I fear her social hunger is fueled by being stuck with a boring white-haired guy all day.
We walk a couple of times a day. When we commence we walk briskly, with purpose, with dispatch. We walk several blocks to see if Bailey, or Stupie, or Izzie, or Maddie are out. We pause in front of the houses of Chuck and Joe. We keep a sharp eye out for joggers and walkers we recognize and JoAnne, our mail carrier and Rusty, our Herald-Leader delivery champion. When Chloe spots one of her friends, ballistic delight takes over. You almost expect confetti to start falling from the skies. Frankly, it's a little embarrassing.
When we have reached the apogee of our walk and turned for home (having accomplished our biological mission as well), we assume a more sedate pace I call; "Chloe's Homeward Three-Step." Urgency has now left the building.
We take three steps, stop, and turn to admire the sun on the magnolia tree at the Greek lady's house.
Three more steps and certify the new fence at Chuck's house.
Three more steps and explore the intriguing leaf and pine-straw pile on Berry Lane. Chloe is convinced there's a dead body beneath the pile - I think it's just a squirrel.
Three more steps and we pause to discuss whether Dino Risi's delightful film, "Il Sorpasso" might have influenced the creators of "American Graffiti."
Three more steps and we sit for a spell to consider the possibility that old hootenanny folk music from the early '60s might have new relevance and usefulness during the current administration.
You get the idea.
Undistracted time. No multitasking.
Just me and my girl.