Name: |
Age: |
Three years old
Gender: |
Female |
Breed: |
Jack Russell Terrier, Chihuahua mix
Home: |
Ohio, USA |
This Is Fiona. She is three years and three months old, I saved her from the Clinton County Humane Society in Wilmington, Ohio when she was only two months old.
Getting a Jack Russell, Chihuahua was something I never thought I'd ever get. If I ever got dogs I wanted to get a Pug and a German Shepherd. Clearly this did not happen. Before I got Fiona, I had a pitbull named Sophie. When I lived with my (now Ex) boyfriend, my good friend had a tiny little dog. I just loved how tiny he was, and I started to get really into small and sweet dogs, because I could just hold him and he'd cuddle me all day! He is a Shih Tzu, Chihuahua mix. I really wanted to get one too, so eventually I talked my ex into it. So we looked on Petfinder. I was not looking for this type at all but I wanted a tiny dog for sure...
But how could I have not been looking for this adorable thing? I mean right, when I saw her I was like, "OMG I have to have her." When she was a puppy she had a little birthmark or something on her nose which is gone now. She was so tiny there would be no way she could fit into that dog bed she'd be like a spot. Also she is bigger then I wanted. Even if she is only eleven pounds, she is still too heavy comapired to what I was hoping for. But she is perfect none the less. She is sweet, loves to cuddle and play. I mean, she is a cuddler, at least with me. One big thing I love about her is she is pretty much loyal to me, she is my little shadow. My Sweet Little Baby.
She was the runt of the litter, or one of the more smaller pups, so she is pretty shy and timid really. She doesn't care for other animals. She tolorates my cats because she has to. Not much for other dogs, either, pretty much all she likes is me. Though she is rather fond of my mom, to she likes to sit on her lap when I take her over to visit. My folks live out in the county so I like to take her out there so she can run around and play - they have a nice big yard.
Also you have to have like tons of energy to have one of these dogs and she does not match my life style for sure. So one thing I say a person really needs to do as I learned too late is, studying up on a dog's breed before you get one. I mean she and I are best buddies and I love her, but she has so energy I live in an apartment. This is no place for a Jack Russell, they need to be out running around herding ducks or something. Also Jack Russells were bred to flush out foxes from their holes. She loves to run and is super fast. The Chihuahua is what makes her tiny and cute and a little shaky, but very loyal to the mama.
I also like to get her nails done once a month. They grow super fast! I learned for smaller dogs you should do something called Dremel which pretty much just sand papers down their nails instead of cutting them because she nails are so small. She loves getting new outfits - as you can see from her tail in this second picture - I had just given her that new sweater! She may not be what I thought I wanted, but she is perfect just as she is.