Name: |
Age: |
Three years old
Gender: |
Female |
Breed: |
Home: |
Madison, Wisconsin , USA |
Like so many of the animals featured here, our Rosie is a rescue. (A BIG thank you to all animal rescuers and fosterers!). We adopted her less than three months ago, yet, as my wife says, she's "filled a hole we never knew our family had." As for her breed, we usually say she's a "mystery mutt," but maybe she is a corgi/spaniel/Aussie? Not that it matters!
Though still quite shy around unknown people, she nevertheless will go right up to anyone with a dog; I guess she figures the person has been "vetted" (as it were), and is safe to trust. Despite the rough times she's been through (severe neglect, and likely some rough handling), Rosie is the happiest dog I've ever had! So many things delight her - walks, rides, one of us coming home, seeing us hugging - and then she gets up on her hind legs with a huge smile on her face, and dances for a few steps as she's coming toward us. I've never seen that before!
She loves to start her mornings by jumping into our bed for snuggles. She seems to understand that my wife doesn't like having her face licked, so she only licks me. Since Rosie loves this so much, and takes her job so seriously, I let her lick till I can't stand it any more (which my wife calls "taking one for the team" since she's thus spared Rosie's enthusiasm). But even so, if I want to sleep undisturbed a little longer, she always somehow understands, and without me having to say anything, she lies down quietly beside me. The longer we get to know her - and she, us - the more her intelligence, sensitivity, and loving heart shine. I think we're the luckiest pet adopters in the world!