Name: |
Age: |
Fourteen years old
Gender: |
Male |
Breed: |
Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier
Home: |
San Jose, California, USA |
Bailey is our favorite little leap-year dog who has brought an endless number of cuddles, walks, and smiles into our family's life. Previously, we had only had pet rabbits and fish, but Bailey quickly turned us all into very enthusiastic dog people.
When Bailey was a puppy, he would commonly do the "Wheaten greetin'," and was known to jump up to try to lick everyone's face whenever he met them. As he's gotten older, he has a little less pep in his step, but the same infectious manner and there's not a soul who hasn't smiled when they've seen Bailey walking down the street.
Bailey's favorite activities are sleeping, eating, sleeping after eating, getting some great back rubs and belly scratches, and exploring his local dog park. He's a California dog through and through, and he's always eager to go to the beach where he finds his favorite spot and flops down to people watch.
Although Bailey is an independent spirit at heart who tried to take a few solo adventures through our neighborhood when he was younger, he is our family's loyal companion. There's not a celebratory moment Bailey isn't included in, and he can be frequently seen shadowing us from room to room as we move about our house. His signature hair swoop makes him an unforgettable and lovable little furball we are all so grateful to have in our lives.