Name: |
Age: |
Two years old
Gender: |
Male |
Breed: |
Giant Schnauzer
Home: |
Yonkers, New York, USA |
My dog Blackjack is a Giant Schnauzer, which is not a rare breed but uncommon enough that most people have never seen one. My wife had one many years ago but I had never owned a dog until now. He was actually a surprise gift for me and I have since read that that breed is probably not the best for a first-time owner, but since she had experience with one she figured it would be OK.
Blackjack is still a puppy, just two years old, but he's really big, about 96 pounds, and if he stands on his hind legs he's about as tall as me, almost 6 feet. Giant Schnauzers were bred to be herders and guard dogs, and the breeder we got him from raises them for the Defense Department and they protect the U.S. Senate building at night. When we walk him, people can usually be heard saying, "That's a big dog," as well as words like "handsome," "cute" and "gorgeous." They frequently make way for us when we are out walking; some who are afraid of dogs will go so far as to cross the street, but BlackJack is very gentle and friendly.
Blackjack loves to meet other dogs and people, especially kids, and most people love him too. They often stop us to ask about him or pet him, and he stands patiently absorbing all the attention. He's very attached to us, to the point that he follows either of us step by step and is literally underfoot much of the time, which with his size is like having a piece of furniture tied to your leg. When someone comes to our house he invariably jumps up to greet them, which can be intimidating, but he would never hurt anyone. He loves to bring his toys to me and fight me for them. His growling can alarm people but he and I know he's just playing. He's very smart, affectionate, loyal and protective and is most comfortable either curled up at my feet or resting his giant schnozzola on my lap.