Name: |
Age: |
Seven years old
Gender: |
Female |
Breed: |
Schipperke, Chihuahua mix
Home: |
Pottsville, Arkansas, USA |
It was about midnight, totally dark other than a dimmed street light. She was driving until she noticed something small and black run into the road. She slammed on the brakes and climbed out to find a small, black dog standing before her. She was greeting with a wagging tail but the dog didn't move any closer until she knelt and made herself scarce. The small dog slowly came forward and was picked up and brought into the warm car. This was how Shadow was found by my sister-in-law about six years ago.
I begged my dad for a dog ever since I was four years old. I had met a neighbor's dog and fell in love with their kind. When my sister-in-law brought in a well behaved, one-year-old, chihuahua mix I saw the perfect opportunity to have a dog. What persuaded my dad was saying "We'll only keep her till she finds a new home." We posted signs around town as well as an add on facebook saying we'd found a lost dog with her weight, estimated age, and a number. A week passed and we got nothing. Another week and the same thing.. Nearly a month passed and we got no reply to the found dog. It was then it became obvious she would be mine.. but she needed a name. We'd been calling her Puppy up until this point, but now she needed a real name. We went online and asked for help to name her. I asked friends and finally, after a suggestion, Shadow was the perfect name.
We almost lost her once. After a couple of months, we came home to a bag of semi-sweet chocolate having been ransacked, half the bag was gone. We thought it may have been one of our cats from that time. We soon found out who had done it though, our dog.That night, my bond with her strengthened and she knew she could trust me. I laid with her throughout the night, singing to her to calm her. She obviously made it through, and after that night, she and I were closer than ever.
That still hasn't changed. She follows me around everywhere and listens to every word that listens my mouth. She loves to cuddle with me at night, curling up against my stomach as I curl into a ball around her (fetal position).
She doesn't play fetch, nor like any other games, but she loves to wrestle and play rough. We'll roll around on the floor and play fight often. She also enjoys long walks on cool days, especially through the woods. She's a great guard dog, always keeping watch and alarming us of any danger, even if that danger is just a plumber. Her favorite activity though, is sleeping. She'll lay on her back, belly exposed, and sleep. She'll curl into a ball and sleep as well. But her favorite spot, not the bed, not the couch, but on my lap. She loves to lay on my lap and sleep with me.
She's a loving dog, despite some flaws she has. But if I had to say there was a perfect dog, I'd say Shadow is that perfect pup.