Before I even thought about to get a dog, I already had one, a sweet girl named Susi. When I was a kid I always wanted a dog, so my Mom brought her to us. She came to us as a puppy and we growed up together.
We all loved her and she was a very happy dog, who loved our garden and liked to lie in the sun. She was 16 years old when she got cancer and died at the vet. We all were very shocked and sad.
It get so far that I had terrible nightmares every night and it was as I couldn't breath anymore. I had days of depression and cried often. My Mom told me one day, that I need a dog again, but I refused an said I never wanted a pet anymore. But to cheer me up I looked at many dog videos on Youtube and one day I wished to get a new dog.
To time to time I looked in the Internet for a dog, a little one because we live in a apartment and when I saw a Zwergspitz (Pomeranian in English), I immediately liked it. One day I saw an announcement about a puppy, and it was love at the first sight, so I told my Mom about it and we got him. Shiki was at the beginning very shy, but after a few days he became a very joyful pup and showed his curious nature.
He needs much attention and love, so we quickly developed a strong friendship. Every time when I'm lonely or sad, he comes to me and licks my hand or wants to play, so he cheers me up and I can forget everything. We are always toghether and he is a great Friend.
That's why my dog Shiki is a special dog, because he always brightens my day.