Name: |
Age: |
Thirteen years old
Gender: |
Female |
Breed: |
Shetland Sheepdog
Home: |
Ohio, USA |
WW=e got Daisy when I was in Elementary School. One day when we were in town we went in to the pet store just to look at the animals there. My parents let me get out the cutest little shetland sheepdog to play with. I loved her with all my heart the moment I saw her, she was the most perfect dog I had ever seen. Sadly though the time flew by and the employees took the cute little puppy away and put her back in a cage. I was so sad that I cried all the way home and continued to cry until my Dad told us we were going back to the pet store. When we got her out this time I was allowed to keep her, and I didn't even want to put her down.
Then we had to name our new puppy. No one could come up with any good names. Our little family sat on the porch and tried to think of a good name that suited her. At the same time we had a bunch of oxeye daisies growing in the landscaping. My Dad looked over at them and suggested the name Daisy. The name seemed to fit her gentle nature so that's what we ended up calling her.
Daisy is beginning to get pretty old but she's still that cute little puppy I fell in love with at the pet store. She loves to play with our cats and cuddle with me when I watch a movie. Over the years she has been my best friend and listens to me through all my ups and downs. Whoever said that a dog is a person's best friend hit that target right on the bullseye.