Dog of the Day
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Dog of the Day
Today's Dog of the Day
Max the Shih Tzu, the Dog of the Day
Name: Max
Age: Six and a half years old
Gender: Male Breed: Shih Tzu
Home: Ellsworth, Maine, USA
   This is Max, my male Shih Tzu. My boyfriend Josh, and I were both never really big fans of little dogs but when we saw Max we both instantly feel in love with him. We rescued Max from a family with an over populated amount of dogs living in a small area and didn't have time to take proper care of the animals. We went and got Max and his hair was very matted and in poor condition. So we made an appointment for him to be groomed the next day. We took him in to get groomed and it was a mess. Inside his matts were flea nests. And fleas were jumping off him left and right.

     Now he is healthy and happy and we have a sttld routine: we wake up at eight am and go out side to take him and his sister Miley outside to go to the bathroom. Then we come back inside, eat breakfast and get ready for the day. We clean up the house, and pick up all there toys and put them were they properly go. In the toy box. Then we usually go outside, if it's nice out and play fetch and chase in the big open field we have outside for about an hour or two. Then we'll come inside and relax and watch some television for a bit. Max is a really laid-back dog, so he would prefer to just lay down and nap anyways.

     Some of the things Max really seems to enjoy are he seems to really enjoy playing tug of war with his big sister Miley. He does good keeping up with her, and it's kinda funny how she weighs 50 pounds more then him. And he also seems to enjoy going for long walks at night down to the river. We go every night, and he doesn't seem to mind it. Also, he enjoys car rides! He won't stick his head out the window like his sister Miley does, but he will sit up and look out the window. His favorite place to go is our local pet store right in town Crystal Clear Pet store, in Ellsworth Maine. It's time to say good bye, it's time for Dinner! And Max and Miley aren't very patient when it comes to eating!

Max the Shih Tzu, the Dog of the Day Max the Shih Tzu, the Dog of the Day

Talk about Max in Pet Talk!

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