Dog of the Day
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Dog of the Day
Today's Dog of the Day
Bailey the Basset Hound, Pomeranian mix, the Dog of the Day
Name: Bailey
Age: Seven and a half months old
Gender: Male Breed: Basset Hound, Pomeranian mix
Home: Patterson, New York, USA
   Hi, my name is Bailey. I'm a basset/pomeranian mix and I am seven and a half months old. I guess that makes me a Basseranian? Or a Pomeret Hound? Anyway, I live in Patterson, New York - that's upstate, but not too far up, next to the Connectiucut border, with my brother Noble and my two stepsisters Isabella and Jasmine.

     My mom thinks I'm the greatest puppy in the whole world. She says I think that I'm human and don't know I'm a dog. Sometimes I even sit like a person. I love to play and wrestle all day with my brother and stepsisters. Then at night I snuggle up close to mom to sleep. We all sleep with Mom on the bed and it can be pretty cramped, but I get to sleep closest to Mom because I'm her special baby.

Talk about Bailey in Pet Talk!

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