Dog of the Day
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Dog of the Day
Today's Dog of the Day
Avry the Powderpuff Chinese Crested, the Dog of the Day
Name: Avry
Age: One year old
Gender: Female Breed: Powderpuff Chinese Crested
Home: Utah, USA
   Avry is my first non-shedding dog, and the smallest dog I've ever had. I've been interested in Powderpuff Chinese Crested for a while. I like their temperaments and their unique look. I found a good breeder and she had Avry available after she was returned at 8 months old. She has fit in very well with our family. She is extremely sweet and loving, and can handle herself around the rest of the dogs which are larger than her.

     I say she really belongs to my six-year-old daughter, she loves having a dog more her size to take on walks and to help train her. Avry may be small, but she's happy to go exploring on hikes, she loves to get covered in dirt camping, she can keep up with the bigger dogs quite well, including playing tug with them. Avry is a fun little dog, we love her.

Avry the Powderpuff Chinese Crested, the Dog of the Day Avry the Powderpuff Chinese Crested, the Dog of the Day

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