Dog of the Day
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Dog of the Day
Today's Dog of the Day
Kosmo the Miniature Poodle, the Dog of the Day
Name: Kosmo
Age: Five years old
Gender: Male Breed: Miniature Poodle
Home: Chesapeake, Virginia, USA
      Hi, I'm Kosmo. I am a five-year-old poodle from Chesapeake, Virginia. My master bought me on a Superbowl Sunday. I do many tricks but will only do them for my special treats. When I was 10 months, I jumped off of a counter and broke both front legs. It was thirteen weeks of splints with my "mom" always taking care to cover my splints every time I went outside because I couldn't get them wet. It was miserable for all of us but I healed fine and no one would ever know now because I still jump off everything! I wait for my master to come home by looking out the window everyday at the same time. I am happy and content when I am sitting in someones lap.

     I love to sit and watch my master look at the different dogs on the Dog of the Day website. When a poodle is shown, I want to eat the monitor. I am very protective of my master and his parents. I don't really care for anyone who is smaller than an adult. Some of the tricks I do are dancing (turning round and round in a circle on my hind legs), hi fives, shaking hands, rolling over and sitting up to beg. I once was attacked by a squirrel when I was younger which caused me to run head first into a tree. Funny sight but I wasn't hurt. When it is time to go to bed, I race upstairs and am the first to get in my bed. I love to sleep. When my masters mom puts on her lipstick, I know it is time to get in my crate. I am the most loving companion anyone could ever have and my family is glad to have me.


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