Dog of the Day
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Dog of the Day
Today's Dog of the Day
Biscuit the Saint Bernard, the Dog of the Day
Name: Biscuit
Age: Eight years old
Gender: Male Breed: Saint Bernard
Home: California, USA
      His name is Biscuit, he is now eight years old He is a healthy 160lb Saint Bernard! We live in sunny California in the United States. He is so sweet and LOVES to snuggle! He thinks he's a lap dog (what a joke) He also has a sister who is unfortunately anything but photogenic. He loves to hug, if you get real close to him and but your arm around him hell rest his head on your shoulder. Another one of his (and his sister's) favorite activities is getting all messy! They love going in the pond and rolling around in the dirt and mud! All while fighting and playing with each other! Whenever I home, no matter how long I'm gone, he always greets me by galloping up and giving me lots of kisses and hugs!

     He is the best, sweetest lug, and even if his markings do not include the ckassic "mask‚Äù markings you usually see, we think he is perfect just the way he is.

Biscuit the Saint Bernard, the Dog of the Day

Talk about Biscuit in Pet Talk!

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