Name: |
Age: |
Four and a half years old
Gender: |
Female |
Breed: |
Dachshund, Chihuahua, Pekinese mix
Home: |
Longview, Texas, USA |
Hi! My name is Maggie. I have lots of nicknames: Maggers, Moo Moo, Smaggers, Shmaggerty Shmoop de Shmoop, Daddy's Girl, Tweedle Dee, but my favorite is Fat Maggie. I like that name…just means I love my food and snacks! I am part weenie dog … so I was destined to be long and round. Mama says that I am chihuahua, weenie dog, and Pekingese. Mama got the DNA report back and said "YUP, that is 'ZACTLY what I am."
I was a rescue dog. My mama says that I am a "foster fail," whatever that means. All I know is I am the goodest happiest girl in the whole wide world no matter what happens…except storms…then I hide. Mama says that when she got me, I was just a baby, had a broken arm, and was spray painted BLUE! I would have preferred pink or purple. I had to wear a cast for a REALLY long time. I still runned really fast…ssssshhhh don't tell! You would never know I was broked at one point. I have been so happy ever since I have known my family.
I have three cat siblings and seven dog siblings! Mama also fosters other dogs all the time … so sometimes I have more. I love love LOVE car rides, going anywhere, getting a bite of anything (I'm really good at eating off of a fork), coming when I am called, doing the few tricks I know, dog parks, meeting new dog friends when we go places, snuggling, sleeping on my back under the covers with my arms straight in the air, screaming when I realize we have pulled up to the dog park, staring at my dad, smiling, and being happy!
I heard my mama tell me dad the other day that there isn't a day that goes by that she isn't so glad they keeped me. I feel the same way. Mama says that my sister that I never got to meet named Nilla was dog of the day before too! She says that I would have just loved her. I know I would too. I love everyone!
I just want everyone to know how important it is to rescue and foster doggies. If my mama didn't think it was important, I wouldn't be here! I wouldn't have gotten to meet all the people and doggies I have, put smiles on their faces, or wags in their tails! Rescuing and fostering changes so many lives just like mine.