Dog of the Day
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Dog of the Day
Today's Dog of the Day
Bella the Papillon, Kooikerhondje mix, the Dog of the Day
Name: Bella
Age: Four years old
Gender: Female Breed: Papillon, Kooikerhondje mix
Home: Denmark
      Bella had a rough start on life, born tail first and not breathing, we weren't sure if the little girl would pull through, but she soon showed us what a wild and silly dog she would become. A few days after, she was more active than her two other sisters, and she soon grew bigger, even bigger than her own mother! She often sees one of her smaller sisters who is actually her big sister, and she can run right under her tummy, as if she was a bridge.

     At first, my husband didn't even want us to get Bella, he wasn't much for small dogs, as he would fall and trip over them he would say. But soon, the little puppy melted his heart, as she did with all our hearts. He takes her for long walks, take her out to the garden we have a few miles away for her to frolic. Takes her out for a drive in the car, a true daddy's-girl, who will wait on daddy's recliner, watching if he takes too long to come back. She likes to make sure the whole family is together, if we are out walking in the woods, she looks and makes sure the whole pack is following, if someone falls behind to look at something, she will let know that we should stop and wait for them.

     Whenever you come and visit, Bella always greets newcomers, she will happily bark and run in to fetch her favourite toy or a new bone she might have gotten, to show and have the guest see. She is very proud if she has gotten a new toy or a treat, so of course she wants to show what lucky girl she was. She doesn't mind them taking it and looking at it, she will just stand there wagging her tail.

     My daughter taught Bella a few tricks when she was younger, she wanted to teach her something she didn't see any other dog doing, play pattie-cake and give high-five. Bella loves pattie-cake, and will stand up on her hind-legs whilst engaging in this little game, for a treat or not, she thinks its fun.I am sure she is proud she can do it too.

     Bella also likes helping making the bed, whenever we change the sheets, she has to come help rough around in them, making sure its done properly, pulling the strings a bit playfully, cause we pull in them to tie them up.

     When Bella isn't helping around the house, she likes to eat her food, not out of the doggie dish but hidden different places, in toys, bottles and so forth, she has more appetite for food this way, guess she prefers playing with her food. The water in the bird bath is also more tasty than any water served anywhere in the house.

     What makes Bella extra special for me though, is how loving she is, and how much she shows it after I have become ill. She will lay in bed with me, laying on my stomach sniffing my breath, if I am too quiet for too long, she will nudge me to see if I am sleeping, she also likes holding hands, she will gently scrape your hand so you know she wants to put her paw in your hand, and she will remain like this for awhile.

     Cuddling in bed is what Bella does best, she is very loving and sweet, and will fool around if its' too quiet, to make us laugh. She is my little joker and brings a smile on my lips everyday.

Bella the Papillon, Kooikerhondje mix, the Dog of the Day Bella the Papillon, Kooikerhondje mix, the Dog of the Day

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