Dog of the Day
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Dog of the Day
Today's Dog of the Day
Bolt the Siberian Husky, the Dog of the Day
Name: Bolt
Age: Four years old
Gender: Female Breed: Papillon, Kooikerhondje mix
Home: Denmark
      Bolt was just two and a half years old in this picture, but he is older now. He is just as handsome though, and I love this picture of him. It really shows how pretty his eyes are, which the camera does not always capture.

     Bolt is a Siberian Husky, and people sometimes wonder if it is okay for him to live in a warm place like Indonesia. But his thick coat is good insulation - it can keep him cool, just like it would keep him warm in cold temperatures! He is a very strong dog, and we trained him when he was a small puppy to not pull too hard on the leash. As long as he knows you are paying attention, there is slack in the leash, but if you get distracted, he might start to run and pull you with him!

     Bolt is a good dog, though, gets along with our other pets, and is a dear sweet boy. We love him!

Talk about Bolt in Pet Talk!

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