Dog of the Day
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Dog of the Day
Today's Dog of the Day
Elwood the German Shepherd Dog, the Dog of the Day
Name: Elwood
Age: Seven years old
Gender: Male Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Home: Australia
      Elwood is special because he has always been a close companion and a good friend.

     What can I say about Elwood. He will be eight in September and has spent most of his life in New Zealand but moved to Australia late last year where he will spend the next few years. He is a spoilt dog who knows how to get around you and make you do what he wants and not what you necessarily want to do. He evens starts the night out sleeping on the bed, in fact he is back on it by morning. He likes to spend his days chasing the homing pigeons and making sure the local cats don't get too close to his property. He prefers human food, in particular chicken and steak. Some days you believe he is a human and understands everything you say. He has a rugby league ball that he will play with constantly unless you take it off him, in fact this is number two and ball number three is in the cupboard awaiting the demise of number two.

      He would spend all day in the car if you let him. He wears a harness which is strapped into the seatbelt to make sure he is safe. When you want to go out and leave him at home you have to be very careful. If he hears the windows close or the TV get turned off or see you put on your shoes he is at the door before you, even if you thought he was asleep. You don't touch the keys unless you really are going out. You don't mention the words car, walk, go out or otherwise he goes crazy.

     For his fourth birthday we had a party and he even climbed on the garden table to get his cake. He went to another dog's party and dunked for sausages just like we dunk for apples. To sum it up Elwood is really more like a person than a dog and a true member of our family.

      I could go on for ages!

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